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For the past three years, the Okstate PRSSA has worked with Bike MS to recruit volunteers that cheer on the bike riders who cross the finish line in part of the longest fundraising bike series in the world.


Cheer-leading volunteers are  an important part of the event, encouraging riders who are close to the end and re-energizing bikers by reminding them why they ride.

As part of the 2015 volunteer recruitment campaign, PRSSA designed a flyer, an interactive display, a table sign up and a social media campaign.

The Bike MS flyer offered potential volunteers information on the event and the meaning behind it, rather than just the volunteer opportunity.

PRSSA members set up tables with volunteer forms, information and the opportunity to snap a pic supporting Bike MS in the weeks leading up to the event. Their hands on recruitment also supported the #BikeMS social media campaign.

The campaign targeted OSU students and used several professors and social media to promote volunteering.


Focusing on Twitter, PRSSA used the #BikeMS and #BikeMSOK hashtags and encouraged volunteers and supporters alike to share.

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